Our Makers


Once upon a time we travelled around the world and got to know our makers.

As travelling has been restricted through the pandemic, I have continued to maintain our artisan relationships and even to grow them with the use of terrific online resources. it has been a steep learning curve for all concerned and I wouldn’t have thought that Facebook and WhatsApp would be such compelling platforms in the countries where my friends and colleagues are situated.

My colleagues are safe and well, some have experienced Covid but recovered with no lingering effects and It gives me joy as I look forward to face to face meetings again. Now that Australia’s international borders are open, I am cautiously investigating travel to the homes and studios of our colleagues in Thailand, India, China, Turkey and the Netherlands to catch up with friends and partners.

I have continued to encourage the network of women rug makers that I have been introduced to and although empowerment is incremental it is heartening and positive.

The pandemic has been a difficult time but it has allowed all us to work on ideas we have had for a number of years but had no space to develop further. They say there is a silver lining to every cloud but I am also mindful of the many who have and continue to suffer. So it is into the future we step hoping through our work that we can achieve positive outcomes for our Artisans and customers.



Van Besouw